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Delivering results...
"We have found SJRennie to offer innovative and enterprising solutions, helping us strengthen our existing links whilst also forging ahead with exciting brand new ones. We are thrilled with our progress so far."
Daniel Rowe, Regional Manager, Plymouth University
"Stuart Rennie has to be regarded as one of the leading consultants in the sector. His ability to work in partnership with key stakeholders as well as his unmistakeable track record of success makes this point hard to argue."
Mohsin Ramzan, Head of International, University of East London, 2018
Over 20% increase in international student enrolments over 5 year period
Source: University of Plymouth 2018
Accepted offers up by over 50% in 12 months
Source: UTAS 2018
Highest number of PGT enrolments in 8 years:
£1.5 million additional revenue generated over 1 academic year
Source: UEL 2018
Achieving success
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